With you every
baby step of
the way on
your wellness

With you every
baby step of
the way on
your wellness

Experience our award-winning platform for personalized wellness using VR and a combination of practitioner guided well-being support, assessments, actionable data for the woman, partner and families.


Get started with COURAGE platform for family well-being across the lifespan from family building, maternity, menopause and beyond.

FREE for Parents: Paid for by Health Insurance, copays may apply

Integrated Care: Counselor assisted in one-on-one and/or group session, based on Cognitive Behavior Therapy principles with mental health assessments and digital tookits

Virtual Reality: Application with headset included at home or on site at no additional cost 

Welcome to the next generation of Virtual Care

We are here to support you with personalized coaching and psychotherapy for maternal well-being from conception to birth and beyond. #1 Complication in Pregnancy/Postpartum is mood disorders stress, anxiety, depression.

The American Psychological Association recommends Virtual Reality (VR) use for mental health. There has been an abundance of research on the usefulness of VR therapy on anxiety disorders, post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), and stress management. Because VR allows a patient to experience and move around in real environments, it can be used to teach coping mechanisms for certain stressful events. By being in a controlled setting, VR technology allows therapists to monitor their patients and offer coaching throughout anxiety-inducing experiences.

Vital Start Health has successfully completed initial feasibility study at a leading health institution and a coaching pilot demonstrating similar results for parents in the maternity journey affected by mood & anxiety disorders. Being in a VR scenario allows a person to be fully engrossed in their therapy sessions by connecting with their emotions more deeply because they are in such a real experience

Personalized care across the continuum

What we offer: self-guided; mindfulness & relaxation, coach-guided; VR enabled - personalized coaching; therapist-guided VR therapy

Ready. Set. Grow.

Ready to get started, book your New Client Appointment today!

Wellness sessions includes

* Dependent on location, copays, co-insurance, deductibles in US, self-pay may apply. Terms and conditions apply.

Experience the benefits

Clinically-guided insights
Psychometric assessments to give your coach and therapist insights

Telemedicine with VR Courage

  • Self-guided:
    Mindfulness relaxation
  • Coach-guided:
    Personalized coaching
  • Psycho-therapist-guided:
    VR therapy

Provider dashboard
Your data is tracked over time by your coach and therapist to personalize your treatment

Well-being profile
You can track your own data, get insights and make adjustments based on learnings


What clients are saying

“The virtual experience
made it feel real. I feel less
stressed. I would recommend
it to other NCU parents.”

“I have seen how well VR
based psychotherapy has
helped parents address their
symptoms of stress, anxiety
and trauma in the NICU.”

The Vital Sign of Well-Being is our guiding vision at Vital Start Health.

Our focus is on complete well-being & mental health as the fifth Vital Sign, clinically guided, measurable and personalized for each person at every stage of their care journey.

Vital Start Health ©2025. All rights reserved. Confidential and Proprietary.

Terms and Conditions  |  Privacy Policy

Office Locations:
Philadelphia, PA and Princeton, NJ